I'm really pleased with how this one turned out. It was enough work that it's not something I'd do every day -- but not so much that I'm unwilling to do a Guard army to this standard. I'm still debating between my winter Guard and my traitor Guard though...
For now this is just a one-off Chimera. Enjoy.
You're weathering is top-notch. The tanks really look like they have been drug through it all! Good job, and nice tutorials!
Wow. I love your weathering - not only does it look snowy, muddy, and messy, but it also looks like it's seen its fair share of salted snow/slush, which is a very difficult look to recreate on the tabletop. Fantastic!
Thanks FoxPhoenix135 and Techpriest - this is my favorite vehicle so far and I'm glad other folks like it.
If you ever want to know how I achieved a specific effect just let me know.
Nice to see others getting envolved in the whole vehicle weathering thing, Its something I feel always adds that missing part of a vehicle, they are hard to "highlight" the way we add detail to minis, and somehow feel flat without this step.
I really like the "whitewash camo" effect youve got on this chimera, just nice to see that even in the far future tank crews will still have to get out the temporary paint when it snows :)
good work
Excellent weathering job. Just the right mix of junk and snow, not to mention the burned away look around the hull heavy flamer. Very, very nice!
Yikes, these guys look they've taken their tank through everything. Nice work.
Thanks everyone! If I stick with the winter theme the tanks will all be done like this -- with Guard like so:
Although I may cast up some fabric wrapped lasguns....
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