I've made a solid start on the first five of my infantry. I still have a long way to go, of course, but given that this is the first time I've seen the colours on anything other than a single test model I'm reasonably pleased.
The melta conversion was made by snipping the end off of a Vostroyan flamer. The flamers will be made using the grenade launcher models - but that will happen later.
There are forty infantry - not counting the Command Squad - which includes four flamers and four meltas. I'd like to have the whole thing completed by the end of March. Between the day job, casting and sculpting that might actually be pushing my timeline a bit tight... but that's the goal all the same.
That colour choise so works for me, very nice work indeed.
Thanks! I was originally going with the typical Vostroyan red - but having already discovered a colour scheme I liked for my "Winter Guard" project I decided to use that instead.
Command models will still be in red though just to make them stand out a bit.
OOoo... They're pretty. Great job. :)
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