The production of Macbeth that I'm in was using a cheap magicians thumb as a prop and, never being one to leave well enough alone, I decided to bring it home and have a go at making it look less pink and more grim.
I'm pretty happy with the results and think I got a fair representation of pallid, rotting but recently severed flesh. I filled the hollow cavity with resin and there's blood drying in the small lip and along the edges. I used a nice dark colour on the blood since it would be well congealed and oxidized by this point.
I get to unveil it in a couple of hours for our next dress rehearsal and I'm looking forward to the reaction.
I'm not sure what worries me more, that you'd think to do this, or that you know what pallid, rotting but recently severed flesh looks like...
Google image search is a wonderful, and horrible, tool for finding source photos. I have quite a collection for things like rust and oxidized metals... but this was a first.
man I was worried you had hurt yourself modeling!
Thankfully not today :)
Dude, that's cool...and gross!
Thanks! It has been fun seeing it on stage every time too.
"Is this a dagger I see before me..."
I love Shakespeare, Mistah Jay. What part do you play?
I'm playing Macduff :)
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