
Friday, February 20, 2009

Baal Predator 04

Baal Predator 04
Originally uploaded by misterjustin
The solid blue turret was a bit overwhelming so I've redone the turret in the split scheme and left the gun casing blue. I will repeat this for the side mounted weapons as well.

Since my hope is to keep the Blood Angels helmet scheme I'm glad that this works. If the paint weren't getting a bit thick I'd probably try a few other options though as I'm fairly certain there's a better turret scheme just waiting to be found.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baal Predator 03

Baal Predator 03
Originally uploaded by misterjustin
My intention with the army is to hold to a unified scheme of turret/helmet colours to denote squad type:

Assault - Yellow
Tactical - Red
Heavy Support - Blue
Command - ...?

Of course now that I have the one and only Heavy Support vehicle in my army started, this Baal Predator, I'm really not sold on the blue turret. This is only the base coat and a wash so the highlighting may help bring it together... but it's so.... blue.

I've had horrible luck getting feedback on this model as well so I think I'm going to set it aside for awhile and work on something else. Or at least not work on the turret.